The curriculum for the Professional Engineer Program refers to the Indonesian National Qualifications Framework (KKNI) level 7. The study period for the Professional Engineer Program for the Regular Program is 1 (one) year or 2 (two) semesters. For the Past Learning Recognition Program (RPL) the study period is at least 1 semester. The PS PPI Learning System is a Semester Credit System (SKS) with 24 credits consisting of more than 70% engineering work practice (apprenticeship) in industry or cooperation companies and 30% face-to-face activities in class. The subjects taught are:
Engineer Professional Education is a higher education program after the undergraduate program to form Engineering competence. Thus the PSPPI curriculum at the Faculty of Engineering, Diponegoro University is more about strengthening the competencies that were already possessed at the previous level by emphasizing the professional experience of engineers both in theory and practice in the field. To achieve the intended competence, it is implemented by compiling a syllabus for each subject with graduate learning outcomes (CPL).