Based on Legal Law Number 11 of 2014 concerning Engineering, the Faculty of Engineering, Diponegoro University is one of the universities that received permission to organize the Engineer Professional Education Study Program with the Letter of the Director General of Science and Technology Institutions and the Directorate General of Higher Education Number 1510/C.CA/KL/2016 dated August 22, 2016, and the Decree of the Rector of Diponegoro University Number 1406/UN7.P/HK/2016.
The Engineer Professional Education Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Diponegoro University has been accredited B by BAN-PT based on BAN-PT Decree Number 3459/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/PP/IX/2019 from September 10, 2019, to September 10, 2024.
To become a superior Engineer Professional Education Study Program with an international reputation.
- Organizing continuous quality engineer professional education to produce professional and competitive graduates.
- Carrying out quality and sustainable research in the field of engineering to produce national, and international publications, intellectual property rights, downstream research results, and technology packages.
- Organizing community service in solving problems with the application of science and technology through consulting services, mentoring, and training.
- Organizing good governance for the Engineer Professional Program to ensure quality, professionalism, capability, and accountability.
- Establish cooperation with the industry professionally.
Students who have passed the Engineer Professional Education (PPI) will get a diploma from Diponegoro University with a diploma number registered in DIKTI and SIVIL and are entitled to bear the professional designation “Engineer” with the title Ir. attached to the name without eliminating the previous bachelor’s degree.
Engineer Professional Education can be obtained through the regular program for those who have just gained experience in the field of engineering less than 3 (three) years after graduating with a bachelor’s degree.
Participants will take lectures for 2 (two) semesters with a division of 8 (eight) credits in the first semester and 16 credits in the second semester.
The provisions for the implementation of the regular program are as follows:
- Bachelor of Engineering or Bachelor of Applied Engineering (Civil Engineering Study Program, Architectural Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Urban and Regional Planning Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Shipping Engineering, Geological Engineering, Geodesy Engineering, Computer Engineering, Food Technology or Agricultural Technology, Fisheries, Animal Husbandry) accredited by BAN PT with predicates B and C and has work experience in engineering practice in their fields for less than 3 (three) years;
- Bachelor of Education in Engineering or Bachelor of Science who comes from an accredited study program of BAN-PT concerned has made an equalization with the bachelor in point (1) after the person concerned has experience working in the field of engineering for less than 5 (five) years;
- Work experience in the field of engineering must be proven by a statement letter from the head of each institution where the person concerned works;
- Submit portfolio documents as stipulated by the Engineer Professional Education Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Diponegoro University;
Engineer Professional Education can be obtained through the Past Learning Recognition (RPL) program for those who have gained experience in the field of engineering for more than 3 (three) years starting after graduating with a bachelor’s degree.
Participants will take lectures for 1 (one) semester with a total of 24 credits. Participants will graduate in 1 (one) semester if they can carry out the entire series of academic activities.
The provisions for the implementation of the Past Learning Recognition (RPL) program are as follows:
- Bachelor of Engineering or Bachelor of Applied Engineering (Civil Engineering Study Program, Architectural Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Urban and Regional Planning Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Shipping Engineering, Geological Engineering, Geodesy Engineering, Computer Engineering, Food Technology or Agricultural Technology, Fisheries, Animal Husbandry) accredited by BAN PT with predicate A and has had work experience in engineering practice in their fields for more than 3 (three) years;
- Bachelor of Education in Engineering or Bachelor of Science who comes from an accredited study program of BAN-PT concerned has made an equalization with the bachelor in point (1) after the person concerned has experience working in the field of engineering for more than 5 (five) years;
- Work experience in the field of engineering must be proven by a statement letter from the head of each institution where the person concerned works;
- Submit portfolio documents as stipulated by the Engineer Professional Education Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Diponegoro University;
Based on the interest of Engineer Profession students from various regions throughout Indonesia, a series of processes for implementing lectures and academic activities can be taken online without requiring students to come to the campus location of the Engineer Professional Education Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Diponegoro University. Likewise, the implementation of University Graduation and Taking the Oath of Engineers – if conditions are still a pandemic – will also be carried out online.
The Engineer Professional Education Study Program (PSPPI) opens registration in the EVEN SEMESTER OF 2022 as follows:
WAVE I: FEBRUARY 18 – APRIL 5, 2022.
WAVE II: APRIL 23 – JUNE 28, 2022.
Following the Diponegoro University Postgraduate PMB Calendar FY 2021/2022:
Postgraduate and Profession (Profession, Masters & Doctorate)
Events | Admission | Test | Announcement |
First Wave of Odd Semester |
18 February – 5 April 2022 | 10 – 11 April 2022 | 22 April 2022 |
Second Wave of Odd Semester |
23 April – 28 June 2022 | 3 – 4 Juli 2022 | 13 July 2022 |
First Wave of Even Semester |
12 September – 5 November 2022 | 13 – 14 November 2022 | 18 November 2022 |
Second Wave of Even Semester |
19 November – 9 January 2023 | 15 – 16 January 2022 | 20 January 2023 |
*If there is a difference in date with the registration website, then the applicable one is the one listed on the admission website.
*Source: Registration Calendar – PMB UNDIP
Further information can be obtained via Whatsapp below:
Prof. Widayat: 081329163105; Silviani, SE: 081390349833